Current Lab Members

Emily Dolson
Principal Investigator
Michigan State University
Emily is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science & Engineering and Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, & Behavior at Michigan State University. She studies eco-evolutionary theory in a variety of contexts ranging from cancer to evolutionary computation with the goal of uncovering general algorithmic principles. When not working, she enjoys board games, playing with her ferrets, and canadian folk music.

Shakiba Shahbandegan
PhD Student
Michigan State University
Shakiba is a PhD student in Computer Science and Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior at Michigan State University. Her research is in the field of evolutionary computation. She is interested in using evolutionary techniques in machine learning, artificial intelligence and related applications in engineering.

Sydney Leither
PhD Student
Michigan State University
Sydney is a dual PhD student in Computer Science & Engineering and Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior. Broadly, her research explores how ecological interactions shape the course of evolution. Specifically, one branch of her work models how interactions between autocatalytic cycles could have contributed to abiogenesis. Another branch of her work models how game theortic interactions between cancer cells change drug response in different spatial environments.

Max Foreback
PhD Student
Michigan State University
Max is a PhD student in the department of Computer Science & Engineering at Michigan State. He is also a member of the Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior program. His current research focuses on the emergence of evolutionary dynamics in simulated ecological communities.

Ankit Gupta
PhD Student
Michigan State University
Ankit is a PhD student in Computer Science & Engineering and also part of MSU's Dual PhD program in Ecology, Evolutionary Biology, & Behavior (EEB). He is interested in the synthesis and evolution of open-ended intelligent systems within digital environments, guided by insights from natural intelligence. Outside of research, he enjoys playing chess, cooking, and making digital art.

Kiara Johnson
PhD Student
Michigan State University
Kiara is a PhD student in Computer Science. Her research examines the evolution of symbiotic relationships, interrogating how partners come to be mutualistic or antagonistic and under what circumstances independent symbionts evolve endosymbiosis.
Connor Croft
Undergraduate Researcher
Michigan State University
Connor is an undergraduate student majoring in Statistics and Political Theory at Michigan State University. His evolutionary studies interests lie in ecological interactions and how they impact evolution and coevolution. Outside of studies; he is a member of the Roial Improv and Sketch Comedy Clubs, the Royal Encounters Club, Circle K international, and actively does card magic around campus.

Joey Wagner
Undergraduate Researcher
Michigan State University
Joey is an undergraduate student planning to major in computer science at Michigan State University. Outside of school, his interests include soccer, reading, solving Rubiks Cubes, and listening to music.
Lab Alumni

Acacia Ackles
PhD Student
Michigan State University
August 2020 - August 2022
Acacia is a PhD Candidate in Integrative Biology and Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior at Michigan State University. They create new methods and metrics for data interfacing in order to study evolutionary genetics. They're also passionate about undergraduate pedagogy and interdisciplinary science. Outside of science, they spend most of their time chasing after three cats and two dogs, playing RPGs, and making bad jokes on twitter.

Logan Bergler
Undergraduate Researcher
Michigan State University
September 2023 - December 2023
Logan is an undergraduate student planning to major in Computer Science at Michigan State University. He is interested in the science and technology behind simulating evolution and how to effectively utilize it. In his free time, he likes to listen to music, play tennis, and do things with his close friends.